Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Service, Ministry of Culture


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Služba za kulturne raznolikosti in človekove pravice, Ministrstvo za kulturo
Maistrova 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 369 5900

The Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Service prepares expert materials, proposals and recommendations related to the area of minority group cultural policy.

It offers consultations and evaluations with regard to ratified international documents on minority issues, and works on the implementation of modern concepts of protection and promotion of cultural diversity. The Sector monitors the cultural needs of members of vulnerable minority groups, and assists in creating the conditions for the promotion and recognition or these groups within the wider society. It is responsible for implementing a special (co-)financing programme aimed at developing the cultural activities of both Hungarian and Italian minorities, the Romany community and other minority ethnic groups and immigrants in Slovenia. The Sector develops special measures due to the special cultural circumstances in which minority groups - not only ethnic minorities but also vulnerable and hindered groups - operate.

The office co-operates with domestic and international governmental and non-governmental expert organisations, including several research institutions, and with individuals, primarily artists who engage in the field of minorities. It also co-operates with the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia and with local communities with a view to facilitating the development of minority group integration programmes.

See also

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Služba za kulturne raznolikosti in človekove pravice, Ministrstvo za kulturo +
Služba za kulturne raznolikosti in človekove pravice, Ministrstvo za kulturo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Maistrova 10 +
The Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Service prepares expert materials, proposals and recommendations related to the area of minority group cultural policy. +
The Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Service prepares expert materials, proposals and recommendations related to the area of minority group cultural policy. +
+386 / 1 369 5900 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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